NBF 'Acute supervisor of Pediatrics' and 'General supervisor of Pediatrics'.
In the spring of 2013, the Health Library, in collaboration with the Norwegian Pediatric Association (NBF), created an app that contains both NBF guides: Acute Veileder i pediatri and General Veileder i pediatri .
Both guides have been recently revised and they contain diagnostics, treatment and follow-up of the most common diseases in children, examinations, diagnostics and treatment of acute conditions and general treatment of children and children's diseases.
NBF has the copyright to the contents of the guides. The guides are written for paediatricians and doctors in training who work with sick children. The guide is not legally binding and does not exempt the individual doctor from making their own considerations, and from following other local binding procedures. NBF is not responsible for consequences arising from following procedures described in the guide.
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